DIY May Day Baskets

We moved from Seattle, WA to Des Moines IA about a year and a half ago. We had only lived in our Des Moines home for a few days when we heard knocks at the door throughout the day. Every time we answered the door there was a dixie cup basket filled with candy and popcorn waiting on our doorstep. No one was there when we answered the door as it is tradition for the giver to remain anonymous. It was such a happy surprise, and not something we had done in Seattle. May Day Baskets are given to neighbors or friends annually on May 1st. These baskets are a way to celebrate the coming Spring. Making these baskets was a happy excuse for me to get my glue gun out, and start crafting. Here is how I made our May Day Baskets.
Materials Needed
- Paper Cardboard Cones
- Chalk Craft Paint
- Crepe Paper Streamers
- Ribbon assortment of your choosing
- Paint brush
- Adornments such as these beautiful paper butterflies I found on Etsy.
- paper hole punch
- Scissors
- Lo Temp. Hot Glue Gun
- Filling for the May Day Basket. I used candy, and included flower seed packets to help celebrate Spring.
Below are links to the exact materials that I used.
- Paint the cardboard cones with craft chalky paint of your choice. I love the mat finish that the chalk paint gives, but you can use regular acrylic paint if you choose.
- Let paint dry
- Punch a hole on each side of the cone. Thread thin ribbon each side to form a “basket handle”
- Use hot glue to adorn the top of the cone with crepe paper streamers, ribbons, and paper butterflies.
- Fill cones with the treats of your choice.
- Place on your neighbors doorstep, knock on the door, and run!
Learn more about the history of this tradition!
May Day marks the return of spring and the renewal of nature. Like many traditions, May Day celebrations have a rich history from many cultures. Here is an interesting article that talks about the tradition. Follow us on Instagram, and Facebook for more DIY inspiration. Think Spring! ~ Heather
Below are products that were used for this project. By purchasing from the link, a small commission will be made to this site. There is no extra cost to you, and the funds support future projects on this blog.